Would You Pay To Have Oprah Endorse Your Product? [Poll]

November 13, 2012

Microsoft’s Surface tablet is here on the market, and it looks pretty good so far. According to AdAge, Microsoft is spending $1 billion to help launch their new operating system, Windows 8, but we’re also going to assume based on timing that budget will also include money to go towards helping businesses and consumers become aware of the Microsoft Surface tablet.

Recently Oprah released her latest list of 48 things that she favourite things and the Microsoft Surface made the list.  We do not have a definitive confirmation as to how much Microsoft paid to have Oprah endorse their product, but they did have a lot of dollars and cents to play with.

[polldaddy poll=6682257]

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Dave Forde

Dave “The Connector” Forde has been involved in the marketing, public relations and technology industry across Canada for over 15 years in various sales and marketing roles, he launched The Connected One network of business sites which connects buyers to the right sellers. Profectio and PR In Canada covers news about the marketing and public relations industry each day helping professionals advance their career and businesses.
He also serves as an advisor to a number of businesses across the country. Find Dave on LinkedIn and Twitter.
